Hsieh-Chang Huang*, Ching-Tang Hsieh, Cheng-Hsiang Yeh ,"A study of automatic separation and recognition for overlapped fingerprints," Applied Soft Computing, Volume 71, October 2018, Pages 127-140 (2017 SCI IF= 3.907, Rank=11/105) | |
Hsieh-Chang Huang*,
C.-T.; Yeh, C.-H. "An Indoor Obstacle Detection System Using Depth
Information and Region Growth." Sensors 2015, 15, 27116-27141. | |
Hsieh-Chang Huang*
, Ching-Tang Hsieh,
etc. “An Obstacle Detection
System using Depth Information and Region Growth for Indoor ”, 2015
International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication
Systems, November 9-12, 2015 | |
Ching-Tang Hsieh,
Wei-Ming Lai,
Cheng-Hsiang Yeh,
Hsieh-Chang Huang*, "An Obstacle Detection
System Using Depth Information and Region Growing for Blind," The 9th
International Conference on Computing Technology and Information Management,
| |
Hsieh-Chang Huang*
Ching-Tang Hsieh, Guang-Lin Hsieh, "An
Ultra-low Power Holter and Low Complexity Design Using Mixed Signal Processor,"
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 284-287 (2013) pp 1627-1632(EI) | |
Hsieh-Chang Huang*,
Ching-Tang Hsieh, Guang-Lin Hsieh, "An
Ultra-low Power Holter and Low Complexity Design Using Mixed Signal Processor,"
ICETI 2012 | |
Hsieh-Chang Huang*, I-Hsum Li, Lian-Wang Lee, ”H∞-based Interval Type-2 Hierarchical FNN for MIMO Non-affine Systems,”the 19th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, 2011 | |
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Hsieh-Chang Huang*,“Design
of an IR Computer Presenter System with Minimum Cost and Full Functions,”
ISCE 2009
| |
Ching-Tang Hsieh, Liang-Chun Chang, Kuo-Ming Hung and
Hsieh-Chang Huang*,"A
Real-Time Mobile Vehicle License Plate Detection
Recognition for Vehicle Monitoring and Management," U-Media 2009 |
Hsieh-Chang Huang*,"Development
System of AI Robot," Journal of Lee-Ming Institute of Technology
| |
Hsieh-Chang Huang*,"Low Cost and Full Functions IR computer Presenter," Journal of Lee-Ming
Institute of Technology
| |
Hsieh-Chang Huang*,“A
Simulation Study of the MAC Protocol for Wireless ATM,”
Master thesis. |
黃謝璋、盧羿璇(2023)。以 LoRa 無線傳輸實現長者防走失定位系統。2023年第28屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會R.O.C。 | |
黃謝璋、黃碇展(2023)。大專院校圖書館之經營策略 以大同大學為例。2023科技創新暨智慧應用國際研討會R.O.C。 | |
黃謝璋、吳玟萱、蔡容平(2023)。使用類夾娃娃機訓練肌力及活化大腦來降低失智症。2023高齡福祉科技研討會R.O.C。 | |
林威宏、黃謝璋、李俊廷、楊順聰、楊明正(2022)。利用人體姿態跌倒偵測實用策略。2022高齡福祉科技研討會R.O.C。 |
第三版。儒林書局。ISBN:957-499-694-8。 |
黃謝璋(2003)。網路聖經 第二版。儒林書局。 | |
黃謝璋(2002)。網路聖經 第一版。儒林書局。ISBN:957-499-530-5。 | |
黃謝璋、洪啟煌(2003)。8051單晶片教學指引” 第一版。金禾資訊股份有限公司。ISBN:9867844726。 | |
黃謝璋、洪啟煌(2002)。8051單晶片教學指引” 第一版。金禾資訊股份有限公司。ISBN:9867844238。 |
Hsieh-Chang, Huang, “Module-Type AutoCar,“ M389861
Hsieh-Chang, Huang, “Visual Robot,“ M394883
Hsieh-Chang, Huang, “Stereo Visual Robot,“ M400051
Hsieh-Chang, Huang, “Module-Type AutoCar,“ M389861 | |
Hsieh-Chang, Huang, “Visual Robot,“ M394883 | |
Hsieh-Chang, Huang, “Stereo Visual Robot,“ M400051 |
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